Fountain Hills Public Art
Our flat art collection
There are many paintings, photographs and other works of flat art located in the Community Center lobby and classrooms and in the Town Hall.
Click on the photo to enlarge and get more information.

The Arizona Kid. Donated by the Public Art Committee. Located in the Community Center.

By Justine Mantor-Waldie. 2006

By Arlon Sieve. 2006

By Claudia Smith. 2006

By Mitzi Jean Hale. 2006

By Michael Gallagher. 2005

Photo by Jerry Miles—a gift of the artist. 2010

By Dorothy Anderson—a gift of the artist. 2010

By Doug Katonak—a gift of the artist. 2010

By George Millican—donated by Mayor Wally & Sheila Nichols, located in Town Hall. 2010

By Debra Hiatt—donated by Mayor Jerry & Jackie Miles. 2010

By John Morris Jr.—a gift of the artist. 2010

By Howard Barrett—donated by Drs. Liz Smith & Grant Smith. 2010

By Justine Mantor-Waldie—a gift of the artist. Located in Town Hall. 2010

By Carlos Hadaway—a gift of the artist in honor of the staff of the Parks and Recreation Department. Located in Town Hall. 2009
Art in our

The L. Alan Cruikshank River of Time Mu-seum located in the library/museum building of the Town Plaza area, is a mag-nificent work of public art, with its out-standing displays of the history of this region. But the museum is also assembling a collection of outstanding paintings and sculptures.
Click on the photo to enlarge and get more information.

By Earl MacPherson

By Earl MacPherson

By Earl MacPherson

By Earl MacPherson

By J. Russell Larson

By Yoko Russell

By Earl MacPherson

By Dan Ratso