Fountain Hills Public Art
Centennial Circle
Public Art Located at the Centennial Circle, River of Time Museum & Fountain Hills Library
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By J. R. Eason. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by Claire & Bill Cartmell and The Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association. Located near the West entrance of the Fountain Hills Community Center.

By Dr.Vincent Russo. Donated by Family and Friends of Val Stasik, originator of the Theatre. Located by the entrance to Community Center.

By George Lundeen. Donated by Jackie and Jerry Miles to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. 2007. Located at the entrance to the Fountain Hills Community Center.

By Marianne Caroselli. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by a number of doting grandparents. 2008. The piece is located to the left of the southern door of the Community Center.

By Martin Gates. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills through the generosity of The Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association, The Sunridge Foundation, CopperWynd Resort & Club, Hand & Co. Fine Jewelers, RK Gallery of Fine Jewelry, SeaDream Yacht Club, The Sunridge Board of Directors, Arizona Trails Travel, Arizona's Best Native Plant Care, Dr. Don & Sheri Aviano, Meridian Bank, MCO Properties, Mirage Homes, Tiffany Construction Company, Westbrook. Located in the Community Center courtyard.

By J. C. Sewell. Given to the Town of Fountain Hills through the generosity of The Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association. 2004. Located on the Community Center courtyard near the Southeast corner of the Community Center.

By Jim Dodson. A gift from Walt & Nancy Franklin in loving memory of our parents. 2012. It is located in the Centennial Circle.

By Jerry Kellar. Donated to the community by The Sunridge Foundation and the Estate of Asta Forrest. Located in the Community Center Courtyard.

By David Hiles. This piece given to the Town of Fountain Hills through the generosity of The Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Assocviation and The Sunridge Foundation. Located on the East side of the Community Center plaza.

By Jeff Laing. Given to the Town of Fountain Hills by: The Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association, The Sunridge Foundation and The Club at CopperWynd, Hank & Co. Fine Jewelers, MCO Properties, Sea Dream Yacht Club & Daybreak Travel, Sundridge Board of Directors, Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir R. Hulpack, Meridian Bank and Sunridge Canyon Golf Club. Located on the East side of the Community Center courtyard.

By Brian Schader. A gift to the Town of Fountain Hills from Tom and Tina Duffy in loving memory of my Grandparents, Dr. Irving M. Sheppard and Lillian C. Sheppard. Fountain Hills Public Art piece number 100 celebrating the Arizona Centennial, 1912-2012. Located east of the circle outside of the Community Center.

By Chris Navarro. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by the Fountain Hills CIvic Association. 2007.

By Gary Price. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by the Fountain Hills Realtors and Friends. 2007. Located at the Southwest corner of the Community Center Courtyard.

By Greg Todd. Donated by Rolland and Jean Lorenz. This will be placed in Centennial Circle.

By Victor Issa. Made possible by donations from numerous local residents and organizations. 2010. This sculpture is located in the center of the Centennial Circle outside of the Community Center.

By Gregg Todd. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by Neil E. (Tony) Atchinson and Sally Ballee' Atchinson in rememberance of their beloved daughter Sheri. 2013. It is located in the Centennial Circle.

By Bill Secunda. Donated by Jackie & Jerry Miles. The sculpture is located in the Centennial Circle.

By Martha Pettigrew. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by the Fountain Hills Library Association, Akito Masunaga, Carol & Sid Coates, Dennis & Linda Kester, Al & Sharon Koehlinger, Bill & Sally Mantle, Wally & Sheila Nichols and Sandi Thompson and Norm Nominee. 2012. Located in the Centennial Circle near the library.

By Doug Hyde. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by Jean and Rolland Lorenz. 2012. Located in the Centennial Circle.

By Martha Pettigrew. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by The Fountain Hills Cultural & Civic Association and Jackie and Jerry Miles. 2008. Located near the corner of the L. Alan Cruikshank River of Time Museum.

By Doug Hyde. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by Jean and Rolland Lorenz to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. 2007. The piece is located at the Southeast corner of the River of Time Museum.

By Mark Lundeen. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by the Fountain Hills Library Association. Located at the entrance to the Fountain Hills Library/Museum.

By Randy Hand. Made possible by donations from the Town of Fountain Hills, One Percent for Public Art Fund and the Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association. 2009. It is located near the west side of the Fountain Hills Library adjacent to the Community Center courtyard circle.

By Jim LaPaso, sculptor. A gift from Doris Dale dedicated to the Top of the Line Dancers of Fountain Hills. 2012. It is located in the Centennial Circle.

By Doug Hyde. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by Jean and Rolland Lorenz. 2011. This sculpture is located outside of the library.

By Jim Budish. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by Jackie & Jerry Miles. 2004. Located in front of the Library.

By Susan Geissler. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by Tom and Tina Duffy in loving memory of Martin & Virginia Duffy. 2008. This piece is located at the Northeast corner of the Fountain Hills Library.

By Jason Napier. Donated to The Town of Fountain Hills by Jackie & Jerry Miles in honor of L. Corinne Miles. Located in the Southwest corner of the Community Center.

By Bobbie Carlyle. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by Mayor Wally & Sheila Nichols and Mayor Jerry & Jackie Miles. 2008. It is located near the northeast corner of the Fountain Hills Library.