Fountain Hills Public Art
Library & Museum
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By Martha Pettigrew. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills in honor of Peg Tibbits, 2002. Located in the lobby of the Fountain Hills Library/Museum.

These art glass windows were created by Mary Myers. Funding for these windows was provided by: Dale & Diane Day & Family, Asta Forrest, The Fountain Hills LIbrary Association, Bob & Phyllis Horan, Phyliss Kern, MCO Properties, Inc. and Gene & Joan Owens. Located at the North side of the Library.

By George Lundeen. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills in honor of Ruth & Harlan Collins, 2002. Located in the lobby of the Fountain Hills Library/Museum.

By Ken Rowe. Donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by Bob & Phyllis Horan in honor of their grandchildren, Rob & Jessica Driscoll. Located in the lobby of the Fountain Hills Library/Museum.