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Fountain Hills Public Art
Town Hall
Click on the photo to enlarge and get more information.

By Sharon Owen. Given to the Town of Fountain Hills by The Fountain Hills Civic Association, The Sunridge Foundation and Aloha Tours and Safaris, Arizona Trails Travel & Roxanne Boryszki, CopperWynd Resort and Club, Dermanatale, ENR Financial & Greg Burnette, Fidelity Investments, Gadaiva Jewelers, Hallcraft Homes & Gene Baker, Meridian Bank, MCO Properties, Jerry & Jackie Miles, Nichols Landscaping & Terry Nichols, Pulte Homes, Royal Planatation, Sami Fine Jewelry, The Sundridge Board. 2006

Ceremonial dance
By Alan Hochman. 2005. It is located near the south entrance of the Fountain Hills Town Hall.

Fountain oracle
By Lyle London. 2005. Located in the rotunda of the Fountain Hills Town Hall.


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