Fountain Hills Public Art
Public Art on Private Property
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By Michael Anderson. Made possible through the generosity of Denny's, Bank of America, MCO Properties, MCO Realty, Comfort Inn and Holiday Inn. Located on Shea Boulevard just East of Saguaro Boulevard

By Donald Riggs. Purchased by members of The Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce. Located on the Southeast corner of Palisades and Verde River Drive.

By Robin Laws. Purchased by the Pederson Group, the owner and developer of the Bashas' Shopping Center as part of the Fountain Hills "Percent for Public Art" program. 2009. It is located next to the Bashas' Supermarket entrance.

Free to Be was created with freedom in mind. It portrays a women who can be all she wants to be in her life. She has no boundaries and is set free. We are all free to be what we want in the life and success is out there if we just reach for it.